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The Importance of Knowing
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The Importance of Knowing the Value of Your Business

There is a popular analogy that says, “As Americans we spend more time planning our vacations than we do planning our retirement.”

Independent business owners are the group best characterized by this statement. We work more hours, pay ourselves last and less per hour than those we employ. In doing so we also contribute the least to, and can expect the least from, the Social Security program. In most cases, our only retirement account is the value of our business.

Not knowing the current value of our largest asset, and the factors that influence its future value, means that we cannot effectively plan the date or style of our retirement. Knowledge is power. Without it, we are truly powerless.

We all believe that one day, when we are too tired to run our business, we will merely sell…and retire. We assume the selling process is exactly like selling our home.

All too late, we find out that selling a business is absolutely nothing like selling a house. First, it is a painfully long process. The Small Business Administration (SBA) states that a sale completed in less than six months is a quick sale. Further complicating the process is the fact that the value of a business is far more complicated and difficult to ascertain. Unlike real estate sales, the sale of a business is not recorded anywhere. Hence, there are no published comparables to which to refer. Business valuators are difficult to find and very expensive to use. Chances are one will not be listed in the local telephone book.

Void of any comparable data, personal expertise in business valuation, and access to a local valuator, the business seller relies on a shot in the dark approach to setting his price. If priced too high, it doesn’t sell. If priced too low, potential buyers either wonder what’s wrong and walk away, or snap up the “deal of the year.” In any case, lack of knowledge of the fair market value results in most businesses either not selling or selling well below their optimum justified price.

While it is imperative that the fair market value be known, it is equally important to understand the justified loan amount. Buying a business most often means securing a loan, and the justified loan amount comes from the lender’s review of business tax returns. In most instances, tax returns are completed with the idea of limiting tax liability by showing little profit. That strategy is great for reducing taxes, but is devastating for loan qualification. Little profit translates into little money for the buyer to make monthly loan payments.

Consequently, tax accounting inadvertently causes a typical sale to require a significant amount of owner financing. Seller financing in and of itself is not necessarily a horrible thing. But, the fact that as many as 90% of all new businesses fail in their first year makes seller-financed sales a very risky proposition. There is a high probability that in twelve months the seller will be taking the business back, and in the worst shape it has ever been.

Many of the over 4 million businesses that are sold each year are sold with the business owner blindly naming a price and then agreeing to provide owner financing. Selling a business for the right amount without owner financing requires at least two to three years of planning and preparation. The time spent in doing so is well worth the effort. Properly preparing a business for market can mean a doubling or tripling of the fair market value!

For a business owner to control the style, quality and time of his retirement, he must learn the business’s fair market value and justified loan amount --- and the strategies to increase both. Advanced planning for retirement is not difficult, but without the proper knowledge it is impossible. While knowledge is power, the lack of it can result in financial devastation.

Beyond Breakeven Business Strategists are masters at counseling business owners on strategies to increase the value of their businesses. Call today 813-977-7071 to schedule a free, no obligation, “valuation” of your business. Note: our Business Strategists are merely that, “Strategists”. We are not brokers and do not take listings, sell businesses or work for commissions.

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